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Working Out in 2021
Everybody knows that getting regular physical fitness is good for your mind, body, and spirit. Some people can motivate themselves, and working out alone is easy for them. For most of us, however, having apps on our phones that help remind, encourage and inspire us is a marvelous way to stay diligent. With so many to choose from, it can be hard to nail down one or two that might actually be useful for our personal styles and schedules.

To make life easier, here are our Top 4 2021 Fitness App recommendations:

1. Seven
Seven is an app that is perfect for someone who wants to dip their toe in the workout water. This app focuses on short, regular workouts, so you don’t suffer burnout fatigue right out of the gate. You’ll also be reminded daily to get your fitness in, and you can set a time that makes sense for your schedule.

2. 8Fit
If HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is your jam, 8Fit is the app for you. HIIT workouts are major calorie blasters, and they are a varied and intense way to sweat. However, it would be best if you had an accurate timer and specific exercise recommendations throughout your workout, which is why an app that sets it all up for you is a great idea. Determine your workout and interval length, and get moving!

3. PEAR Personal Fitness Coach
This app is geared towards people who want a well-rounded total body workout and focuses on giving the user an eyes-free, hands-free audio coaching experience. PEAR offers a wide variety of fitness options and intensity levels. The best part? It’s free.

JEFIT is geared toward bodybuilders and those who are incorporating weight training into their fitness plan. If this sounds like you, JEFIT offers tailored workout plans and the ability to log your fitness journey on their platform.

Fitness In Your Hand
All of these apps may potentially make working out easier and more accessible for us, but let’s remember one main thing. You’ve still got to put in the work and sweat equity to see results. Make sure you don’t just download new apps; you actually incorporate them into your daily life. You can do it!